Additional Online Resources
Toronto Rehabilitation's Risk Factor Modification and Exercise Program for people following Stroke (TRI-REPS)
Welcome to Stroke Online! Stroke Online provides a program for people who had a stroke event and want to stay active and healthy. The information on this site can help you start an exercise program and make lifestyle changes for better health.
To our knowledge, this is the first program of its kind offered in an online format for people after a stroke. Please share any feedback with Susan Marzolini at
You may want to access other resources on Cardiac College. To return to the Stroke Online page at any time, visit the Cardiac College homepage and select
'Stroke Online'.
The information on this site does not replace advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider. Some of the information on this site may not be right for you. Review the safety checklist below:
- Only use the information on this site as a guide along with the advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider.
- If you had a stroke, consider asking your doctor to refer you to a cardiac rehabilitation program.
- Review the guide to pre-participation health screening for both aerobic and resistance training with your health care provider to learn which type of exercise is right for you.
- If you have a higher chance of falling, ask your healthcare provider which activity is right for you (such as seated exercises).
Type of Exercise Programs
Who can benefit from this program?
This program might be right for you if:
- 10 weeks or more have passed since your stroke, OR
- Less than 10 weeks have passed since your stroke
and you are in an outpatient setting with supervision.
Most people who are recovering from a stroke should be able to do some of the exercises.
- Resistance or strength training exercises can be changed if you have a physical deficit
- Most of the exercises can be done in a seated position
- If you do not have function in your arm or leg there
is benefit to training only the arm and leg that were not affected by the stroke.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Find healthy lifestyle tips on:
- Post-stroke fatigue
- Sleep disorders
- Activity and exercise
- Common medicines after stroke
- Healthy eating
After completing this program, you will:
- Understand how to choose an effective and safe exercise program based on your functional level and other health conditions
- Be able to safely participate in resistance/strength training and aerobic exercise
- Know where to buy exercise equipment, blood pressure monitors, adaptive cycling pedals and other supplies for home delivery.