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Cardiac Rehab

Group of people working out in a park

The cardiac rehab program is up to 16 weeks long and includes:

  • A safe and effective exercise prescription
  • Education and counselling about topics related to treating heart disease, getting active, eating healthy, feeling well, and taking control

The program is delivered by a team that includes a cardiac rehab supervisor (trained in kinesiology, physiotherapy, or nursing), physician, dietitian, social worker, and a psychologist.

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Program Passport

All of your education sessions and workshops are listed on the Program Passport. The education calendar shows when each of the sessions and workshops are offered. Download a digital version of the Program Passport or ask for a printed version of the passport and education calendar from the front desk at Rumsey Cardiac.

Women-Focused Cardiac Rehab

The women​-focused cardiac rehab stream is designed for those who prefer a women-only group. You will receive all of the same great features of the general cardiac rehab stream with more women-specific education. Cis-women, trans-women, and gender non-conforming folks are all welcome.

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Many of the learning plans will link you to our video-based education program called THRiVE. THRiVE uses education, goal setting, and action planning to help you make small changes over time to improve your health.

Cover for A Guide to Help You Live and Thrive with Cardiovascular Disease.

Explore Cardiac College to learn about topics that are different from the weekly focus. You can also download the free patient guide, “A Guide to Help You Live and Thrive with Cardiovascular Disease.”​​​

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